Sentry - The Adventures of Jack Schilt 
Michael Thiele 


The Story
The Characters



Soon after their appearance the Ar-Nhim come into conflict with the Ermeskul, the guardians of Gondwana. But the real danger they bring along remains undetected for a long time: the Mithankor. Centuries prior to the arrival of man the Ermeskul had managed to defeat the allied Ar-Nhim and Opreju forces, but did not succeed in destroying them compeletely. Thus, the Ar-Nhim Ghaia was banished to a secret place while the remaining Opreju got expelled to Travorsa, the Island of Death. A few surviving Ar-Nhim escape to the underworld where they founded the mysterious realm of Tarma-tjo-uhzuba. Ever since they have been waiting patiently for the return of their leader.

Ar-Nhim - Ermeskul - Humans - Mithankor - Opreju - Uhleb